CAN201 W9

  1. Routing (2) - Distance vector algorithm
  2. Intra-AS routing in the Internet: OSPF
  3. Routing among the ISPs: BGP
  4. The SDN control plane
  5. ICMP
  6. SNMP

CAN201 W8

Terms of packet in different layers

  • Application layer: message
  • Transport layer: segment
  • Network layer: datagram
  • Link layer: frame

TCP three-way handshake

  • A -> B: SYN (seq = x, ack = 0, L = 0)
  • B -> A: SYN ACK (seq = y, ack = x+1, L = 0)
  • A->B: ACK (seq=x+1,ack=y+1,L=0)

Flow Control vs. Congestion Control

  • Host vs. Router



CAN201 W6


这周第一部分是TCP congestion control。我有空再写笔记,我们先进入第二环节。也就是网络层 Network layer.


  • 在发送主机和接收主机对之间发送(segment)
  • 在发送端把段封装到数据报(datagram)中
  • 在接收端,将段上交给传输层实体
  • 网络层协议存在于每一个主机和路由器(全部都有)
  • 路由器检查每一个经过他的IP数据报头部

CAN201 W5

This is the note of CAN201 Week5.
We will focus on Transport Layer.

  1. Pipelined communication
  2. TCP: connection-oriented transport
  3. Principles of congestion control

CAN201 W4

This’s the note of introduction to networking Week4.
This week we will talk about the transport layer in networking system. 传输层

  • Roadmap
    1. Transport-layer services
    2. Multiplexing and demultiplexing
    3. Connectionless transport: UDP
    4. Principles of reliable data transfer

CAN201 W3

This’s note is about the lecture and lab of Week2 CAN201.
The lecture III - Application Layer.

  1. Domain Name System (DNS)
  2. P2P Applications
  3. Socket Programming 套接字编程

CAN201 W2

This is the note of CAN201(introduction to networking).

This lecture is mainly discussing about Application Layer. 应用程序层

  1. Principle of network application
  2. Web application
  3. Email

The lab of this week is about Introduction of Python.


CAN201 W1

This is the note of CAN201(introduction to networking).

The lecture of W1 is mainly discussing about Internet.

  1. What’s the Internet?
  2. Network edge and core
  3. Network performance
  4. Protocol layers and service models
  5. Network security

The lab of this week is about Python I - IDE and Interpreter.
