INT201 W2
This is the note of INT201 Week2. The lecture is still focusing on decision, computation and language.
Alphabet A,
A* = {alll strings consisting symbols from A}
A subset L of A* is called a language
Question: For a language L, does exist an algorithm to check for any x, if x is in L?
Nondeterministic finite automata 非确定性有限自动机
Recall: we took original DFA definition and extended that definition to allow some transitions to be undefined. Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA) are a futher extension… 我们采用了原始的DFA定义并扩展了该定义以允许未定义一些转换。非确定性有限自动机是一个进一步的扩展。
- describing a formal language (may be simpler than equivalent DFAs) 描述一种形式语言
- conversion between finite automata and regular expressions 有限自动机和正则表达式之间的转换
“nondeterministic” – an input string does not determine the final state. 一个输入字符串不能决定最终状态。
This is because given a current state and an input letter, we may specify a set of allowable new states, not just one. 这是因为给定一个当前状态和一个输入字母,我们可以指定一组允许的新状态,而不仅仅是一个。
Then we say that a NFA accepts an input word w if there exists a sequence of transitions labelled by symbols in w, starting from initial state and ending at some accepting state. 然后我们说一个NFA接受一个输入词w,如果存在一个以w标记的转换序列,从初始状态开始到某个接受状态结束。
The formal definition
Let P(S) denote the set of all subsets of a set S. A nondeterministic finite automaton (or NFA) is a quintuple A = (Q,A,φ,i,T) where
- Q is a finite nonempty set whose members are called states of the automaton.
- A is a finite nonempty set called the alphabet of the automaton.
- φ is a map from Q × A to P(Q) called the transition function of the automaton.
- i is a number of Q and is called the initial state.
- T is a nonempty subset of Q whose members are called terminal states or accepting states.
如果w = abc两个中间状态是r1和r2,我们可以把它写成
In a NFA, if φ(p,a) = {q,r}
we could write
NFA优缺点: NFA相对于对应的DFA,需要更少的状态,但是这样就会增加搜索的时间。DFA比较快,但不提供Backtrack(回溯)功能,NFA比较慢,但提供了Backtrack功能。
- XJTLU MC PowerPoint slides (Week2)
- bilibili: NFA to DFA